
The Waltman

April 3
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 // 8:01 a.m.


Today my alarm went off and the song Landslide was playing. Kind of ironic as that is such a sentimental song for me. When my father was sick, I was pretty much shut down and things didn�t really hit me until one morning, after spending the weekend at home to visit my father, I was driving to work and the Stevie Nicks song Landslide starts off �This is for you Daddy� I pretty much lost it for the first time and couldn�t stop crying the whole drive to work. I couldn�t hear that song for the longest time without crying and used it on the days like fathers day to release my feelings. Today is exactly four years since my father passed away and I�m thinking he wanted to make sure I was thinking of him. Of course he would do it through music. It�s funny because I, of course, knew this day was approaching. I feel myself talking about him a bit more. Shane sure got an ear full. And when Brandi was moving this weekend and spending the time with her family, I said to her how times like these I do miss my family.

Days like today I wonder how Eva makes it through the day. Days like today, I wish we were all back at that beach house, all 17 of us. days like today, I wish my father could know little Ms. Taylor Boo and the Devman. Days like today, I wish I could have a good head rub, days like today, I wish I could have yet one more free bet!

Days like today, I wish he were still here!

6 You got sumpin to say??

I got a man//Catch Up