
The Waltman

The Shower
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003 // 9:58 p.m.


The big happening Valentines day I spent at the Thrashers hockey game. The first one I have attended since their inception. During intermission a man who had been married for 27 years asked his wife to marry him again all with a new and improved ring to go along with it. Then they had a �pie� game where about 4 people from the crowd put trash bags over their body and got a pie smacked in their face. They were then to win what was written at the bottom of the pie plate they picked. One guy won a dvd, one tickets yada yada yada. The last girl with trash bag and all over her, got a pie smacked in the face and at the bottom of plate, what did it say??? Then a guy proceeded to read, �will you marry me?� then her boyfriend popped out with ring and all. She said yes and they hugged and kissed and got pie all over his face. OK, so not the most romantic way to be proposed to but I did give him credit for his creativity.

Saturday was a shower for Danae and Jason at John�s house. You got to love a �straight� shower given by gay men. You get to throw all tradition out of the window. Jason was there, his friends, her friends and his parents, who I must, just must, comment on. They were great, enjoyed everyone, and I just melted when I saw them holding hands and with his arm around her while watching them open gifts. Yes drunk me did the �I love you Jason, you are such a great guy and I love your parents and I just love that you are so great with all of us and I am so happy for you and Danae� I was a sentimental sunshine. But I really must say that I am very happy for Danae and Jason. They both are two great people who got lucky and found each other (I know I got sentimental again.)

We do have one problem here�� they are getting married on APRIL 12th. What is wrong with that you say? Well isn�t there some kinda law out there that says no one is able to show you up on your birthday!!

Guess I'll let it slide this time!!
3 You got sumpin to say??

Starstruck//Above the clouds