
The Waltman

A napkin for my toilet
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2002 // 10:51 a.m.

A few things in life I don�t understand:

1. Now, this has always been a question for me. Why do we put our napkins in our lap? Ok.. I got the reason, incase we drop some food in our lap it saves our clothes??? Here is where I get confused. I�m at a nice din din at my favorite Italian restaurant Alfredo�s and I have on some nice khaki�s or those white pair of jeans I used to wear In the 80�s and after a big fat slurp of spaghetti I somehow have it all over my face, and then I�m required to get the napkin from my lap and wipe the sauce off my face and then put it right back on my lap.. help me out here I don�t understand. OK so you are going to say, Kimi the part of the napkin that has the sauce on it doesn�t go directly on you�re lap, you should have it facing the ceiling.. PEOPLE, Have you seen me eat (especially sketti and some chicken wings,) I get stuff all over my face, so much sometimes my nice white napkin on my lap, well, its not so white anymore..not so much!! I have on many occasion gotten a spot on my pants cause of that darn napkin on my lap!! My solution, I use two napkins and don�t wipe my face with the one on my lap! Whatcha think about that?

2. I certainly hope I don�t offend anyone with this topic, but again this is something that I have kinda always wondered about.

Why do women not sit on the toilet in public bathrooms? I know your saying, �Kimi, gross do you sit on the toilet in public bathrooms?? Well, no I don�t and ya want to know why� cause the chakitas before me didn�t and the damn toilet seat now has pee all over it!! If we all just sat on the seat wouldn�t it be a bit more sanitary. (I�m sure they sanitize it very thoroughly every night) Do you think when people you don�t know come over to your house they don�t sit on the toilet seat? Well, I actually do remember one time in college (I kinda lived in the party house where everyone just came over.. I don�t even think anyone of us who lived there even had a key) but anyway I remember being in the bathroom with a sorority sister and by golly she didn�t sit on the seat.. I was a bit offended I must say!! Was she saying that she thought we weren�t sanitary!! Hmm I wonder if I did get up the next day and clean that thang cause I�m sure she sprinkled all over it, you know for me to sit on it the next time!

Well there you have it� A couple of things in life to ponder! And feel free to let me in on anything you might know that will educate me on these topics!

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Aids Walk//I cheated