
laura - 2002-10-23 10:38:30
Issue #1 - bibs make more sense. or a napkin stuck inside your shirt and one on your lap. Hell, why not a full body suit....I get food everywhere ! Issue #2 - Even if people didn't pee on the seat, the thought sitting where a stranger has sat bare-assed just scheeves me out ! Yuck ! And yes, I do put paper on the seat in stranger's homes. Never touch the bathroom door handle either. Am I weird ???
Brandi - 2002-10-23 10:38:31
Yes, I've seen you eat chicken's quite a sight. With those long nails of yours, I can only imagine how much wing sauce is stuck up under there. And yes, I'd have to agree, you do likely need another napkin for that "sport". As for the peeing on the seat, people actually do that here at work. And we even have the sanitary seat cover thingys. Get a grip people. Sit yer fat ass down and pee already. Why make it a 30 second squat??? If you want to work out, go to the gym. I come to the bathroom to pee!!! Dammit!!!!
Danyel - 2002-10-23 10:40:30
Okay, I've got to agree with you on the toilet seat thing. It does seem to me that if everyone sat on the seat, more pee would land in the bowl, and thus it would be more sanitary. My theory of origin on the excruciating squat process - becasuse let's face it, squatting is uncomfortable and kind of slows the flow - is this.....I think it started back in the 60's & 70's where free love w/o condoms was all the rage. Someone started a saying like "you can catch it from a toilet seat". Since no one wanted to catch an STD from a toilet seat, they started squatting. Now, I'm not sure how true it is that you can catch anything from a toilet seat. In my mind, that's the question.
Brandi - 2002-10-23 10:48:26
Laura- I'm with you on the door handle thing..but paper on the seat in a stranger's house? Do you do that at parties? Yes, that is a little strange. But to each their own. I open the door with a paper towel in my hand. And then turn around and toss it in the trash.
Brandi - 2002-10-23 10:49:24
I'm hoping to get pregnant from a toilet seat one day.
ca - 2002-10-23 10:59:39
Uhm, what a convo you started Lil Kim. Well, you know I have many quirks with bathrooms and pee in general (big on people not leaving it in the bowl). I'm a squatter no doubt. God what a weird thing to learn about people. Now napkins there almost pointless to me cause I'm going to walk out with something on my clothes no matter what.
douglas - 2002-10-23 12:18:47
kay kimi- after reading brandi's response. . .my first question is WHAT THE FUCKOUZKI is a lezaman doing with LONG NAILS? isn't that uhm . . .CRUEL??? i remember my friend alana (gay - black - woman with a limp - can you say FREE EDUCATION???)once told me she felt no threat from men when it came to pulling the chickeeze cause she had ten, skilled cocks (held up her hands) to his one. now, i, of course, never being one to let a thing go, remind her that most men have hands too -- so he has 11. . . am i rambling? and as for the chicks pissing thing. . .you know i have that wild hair that requires i have a girlfriend every third relationship. . .AND YOU ARE RIGHT!!!! ya'll gat pee issues! STRAIGHT UP! and if you never sit down, you guys yshould just be pissing in the street like the rest of us! and if you aren't gouing to sit down, who cares if we put the seat down??? FUNNY STORY -- SUGGESTION my buddy jimi worked the door at nell's in NYC for years. at one very mixed party a man came to complain that the guys bathroom was full of SHEMEN. jimi when to investigate. he found not one, but 2 women using the urinals. it seems to work like this. ya hook a finger in there and pull up slightly on the vulvul hoood (i love that), thus removing any lipage int he way of a clean flow, then PEE LIKE A MAN DAMNIT!!!! aim where you like. in the loo, at a friends shoe, someone's ugly hand bad -- YOU NAME IT!!!
danae - 2002-10-23 12:47:29
I can't stand and pee- so if the seat is gross I'll just hold it!
Scott - 2002-10-23 13:26:52
Hey girl, All I can think of is if you're going to eat a messy meal get a few napkins and that way you're prepared for the onslaught. I don't know what to tell you about the pee thing. -Scott
John - 2002-10-24 16:31:11
When using the restroom in a restaurant during your meal, take the soiled napkins from the dinner table and use them to make a nest on the toilet seat ( not flush the linen). Sit comfortably, do your business, and return to the table swearing the waiter pre-bussed the napkins. You'll get clean, fresh napkins thereby keeping your chinos clean. Is it Friday YET!!??
John - 2002-10-24 16:32:15
Just watch out for BBQ sauce on your butt.

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