
The Waltman

Monday, Oct. 21, 2002 // 2:02 p.m.

How bout them Skins??

Sorry to you all, I have been a bit slackin on my bloggin.. but thanks to those who commented on wonderin when another one was commin!

The weekend of the 12th, Brandi and I went to DC to see my family: Take a look at these adorable children.

Can you guess what Taylor-boo is going to be for Halloween?? (that�s Barney if you can�t figure it out.) Friday night Brandi and I had some quality time with my Chadman (he�s the one holding Barney). Saturday was Paula�s party�oh my word.. I don�t think I have seen sooooooo many kids in one backyard before. We determined the ratio to be 8/1 kids to parents, and don�t think there weren�t a few kids in the oven too. But it was fun and of course good to see my friends. Friday was family, Saturday was friends and family, now it was time for Gayville! Went downtown with Megathon, for a drag pageant!! here she is

� (sorry Meg don�t kill me for that lovely picture purty girl you):

Sunday of course was the REDSKINS game, after Brandi and I parked at the House of Greed ($25.00 for parking) we headed to the stadium in anticipation of our free seats sitting with Champ Bailey�s family. eewww a suite, sassy us! Hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm�. Kinda quiet in here, only 6 people�..hhhhmm where�s the beer??? Hhmmmm you mean I have to buy a six pack, and for $15 gulp.. gotta love some credit. Kidding aside we were actually in a nice suite and met Champ Bailey�s wife and little boy.. but you know, I had to be out there.. where da peeps are getting drunk, rowdy, and obnoxious, right where I belong! So after half time we found us some seats to hang out in:

See not a bad view huh!

So all and all it was a festive weekend, and for those of you who are wondering how I chose to handle my mother situation, I did leave the party (and Brandi) for about 45 minutes to visit her!

And as for this past weekend.. .. ya know, I think I�ll wait till tomorrow to write about this weekend.. I�m sure you people need to be getting back to work, and come to think of it, I bess be too!!

6 You got sumpin to say??

Mamma Mia//Aids Walk