
The Waltman

Monday, Sept. 30, 2002 // 10:47 a.m.

Bruce Update

I know all of you haven�t slept a wink wondering if I was successful in my Bruce endeavors this weekend. So the game plan was me getting up and going to Publix, Brandi on the computer and phone, CA at work on the computer and the phone. After a close call and Brandi borderline in the dog house (thanks baby for being so understanding) and with a little help from Dray we ended up getting great seats! And not only do we have 3 tickets, we ended up with 9! 3 in section 122, 3 in section 305, 3 in section 304.. a $260.00 mistake with a wrong click of a button for Carrie Anne. So anyone who would like to go to Bruce with us just let me know. I won�t even jack up the price for ya.

Weekend Update

Friday night a gathering at Bombara�s house for Lisa G birthday� A fun time of shots, drinking, dancing, striping (what? who was stripping)�. I�ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Saturday Rodney and Glenn had a mucho fun party during the day and then off to My Sisters Room. Had a great time and got to get my groove on which I haven�t done in a while..

Sunday, some hard core lesbian flag football. Go Turf Tigers!! And yes being a spectator as opposed to playing actually drove me to get off my ass and call the damn foot doctor! (yes it still hurts) So I have an appt. tomorrow at 3:00.

Ended the weekend watching the season premiere of ALIAS, Jennifer Garner is HOT I tell you HOT!

4 You got sumpin to say??
