
The Waltman

2002-08-30 // 10:36 a.m.

Priorties, Priorities and the pursuit of self improvement

I have three major (well to me) things I want to have done to/for myself. Here they are in no particular order, we will get to that later:

1. I want (ok want is a strong word) I need braces! Yes, I did have them in my prime teenage years, and because my mouth is so small (zip it) I had to have 5 teeth pulled. So in college the good ol' wisdom teeth grew in and squished all my teefisis, messin up my beautiful smile.. of course the two front and center ones! I had an appt. on Wednesday for an evaluation. It seems I would have to wear them for 18 months, and yes the metal ones, (would you guys still hang out with me?) The cost: $2250.00

2. I want (yes this is a want) the laser surgery for my eyeballs. I have been wearing contacts since 1987. Can you imagine how many contacts I have ripped, or lost throughout all my drunkard evenings? It can be quite challenging coordinating putting that little contact in that little round container. And having contacts is somewhat like slut control. Cause you know you're a bad girl (or wanting to be) if you take that contact solution, case and pair of glasses with you on that first date. I just would love the day that I can wake up and actually see the clock.. or the person next to me! Hee hee The cost: $3,000-$5,000.00

3. I must admit that in all my 5 spontaneous trips to the Tattoo parlor I have one that I regret. I should of known when the guy asked me if I wanted to get high with him, I might be in trouble. So I would like to get the Peace frog that is on my right leg removed. (OUCHIEPOO) The cost: DON'T KNOW, but over $1000.00 I bet!

So there you have it. Now (assuming I was rich) lets prioritize. Brandi and I disagree on this one (lets change that to: We have different opinions (wink)

ME: 1. The eyes, 2. The braces 3. The Tattoo HER: 1. The tattoo (she hates it) 2. Braces (but she said she would laugh at me) but then again, so would I. And 3. The eyes, and I quote "they do nothin for me!" (Makes sense)

Some assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated, how would you prioritize? FYI: Donations of course are always welcome for the Lil' Kim self improvement fund.! ..ok, you can buy me a beer instead!

7 You got sumpin to say??

beginnings//Blue Crush