
Brandi - 2002-08-30 10:43:14
Ok...Yes, that is my order of preference. And it's true...fixing your eyesight really provides no benefit for ME. In all honesty, it could cause some detriment. I mean, with clear vision you'll actually be able to SEE what I look like in the morning. As for the braces...well, I just don't know if you'd be able to wear them for 18 months. You have little to no patience. But maybe we could move to say, the North Georgia mountains for 18 months and be "one with nature". Living there, I think you could do it. But cruising through Red Chair on a Friday night with braces- THAT I can't picture. The tattoo is INSTANT gratification. For both you AND me. And for anyone else who has seen it, for that matter. (just playing) As for the buying you a beer....sure, I'll buy you several after the pain of the tattoo removal. But, it'll be worth it!!! =o)
Doug - 2002-08-30 11:46:49
Kimi, I think you are perfect the way you are... Just kidding! Get your eyes done, it so nice to have clear vision much less the cost and the hassle of contacts. The tatoo could take a "leap"! I agree with Brandi about the braces.
Dana - Kimi's Favorite Sister ! - 2002-08-30 12:42:40
Kimi, Kimi, Kimi you need to make and set the priority - take advice, but you're the one living with it. (sorry, Dad took over my body). Now, my order: braces, tattoo, and then laser(only if near sighted). My reasoning is this - braces you can setup a payment plan which would enable you to quickly and easily get the tattoo removed(so brandy is happy ;-)). I left the laser for last because by the time you finish the braces and the tattoo the cost for Laser surgery will have dropped to $1,000. PS. Sorry, I'm broke can't contribute but Lisa has a large home equity loan she can borrow against to help your cause. LVLVL YFS
ca - 2002-08-30 13:16:57
Okay, my advice first get rid of that tatoo, you've never liked it and then go for the eyes. As for braces, leave it alone you'd hate them and there is really nothing wrong. Just that one tooth and hell thats just character girlie.
Danyel - 2002-08-30 13:25:50
Okay, I'm going to have to say get rid of the tatoo first. As for the braces or the eyes, I'd go with the braces. As you are aging (just like me) you're going to have additional eye problems in few years. I would be really pissed off if I spent the money to get my eyes back to perfect, only to have Mother Nature screw it up again. (Okay, I have no idea how old you have to be before you start having problems seeing things close up)
DD - 2002-08-30 13:56:41
Kimi- YOu are GREAT how you are- seriously. The teeth or the tattoo have never bothered me. I can see where getting braces would be a pain and not fun- You can't get the clear kind? But yet a perfect beautiful smile goes a long way also. My thoughts (as if it means much)Braces, tattoo, and the laser. Just because laser surgery has gone down by like half in the last 4 years- so it probably will go down more. And only the braces if you could get the clear kind. I can't see the others on you- !!!! :)
laura - 2002-08-30 15:11:54
I posted a comment earlier but it didn't show up : ( It's too long to retype but the point I was making was a) you're fine the way you are although better sight would be a plus b) Do braces have the same effect as a tongue ring ?

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