
The Waltman

Piedmont Better Vision
Monday, May. 19, 2003 // 12:10 p.m.

You are blind and I have Sight

So I got the surgery on my second eye done last Friday, things went well overall I guess, except for the vomiting when I got home. Hmmm wonder if the drinking the night before with my boys had anything to do with that?

Overall, this has been a very interesting and lengthy process to say the least. I�m thinking Brandi is about sick of hearing about all my blurry vision, and having my medicines all over the place (not really she has been wonderful)

I will say that they were great where I got my procedure done. Piedmont Better Vision

The doctors were wonderful and seem to have so much pride in their work. They did Greg Maddox�s eyes (he is the picture for the Braves for all you gay men out there who didn�t know that) but I like the fact that they didn�t use that as a selling pitch to me. I read it on the internet at their web site.

Here is a picture of me and Mary.

She is the �Refractive Coordinator, and let me tell you, did she have to coordinate with me, back and forth, this date, no this date, sorry Mary I have to cancel and reschedule. But she was great and I must admit I think she enjoyed me. I�m thinking she�s gonna invite me over for Thanksgiving dinner!

Here are some pictures of my surgery, don�t worry nothing too gross, but is that a needle in her hand or what??

Lastly, let me give a BIG, HUGE, shout out to Scott for being my personal driver and supporter for the week. Poor thang got up early for me all week and drove me back and forth and had to sit and wait for me throughout the whole thing. Thanks Scott, I do appreciate it very much. And sorry I was so quiet on the ride home Friday, I was concentrating immensely on not regurgitating in that wonderful Saturn of yours.

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