
The Waltman

The Conference
Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 // 3:34 p.m.


Last week I had a conference at Lake Lanier (you may remember my last blog where I was determined not to leave early and had the confrontation.. well it worked.) I do have to tell you that I love this company and the way they celebrate their staff. You have to love a company where the Senior VP and all the Regional Directors (that would include me, thank you very much) places a wager on what team would come in first in the team building, we were the judges, but really didn�t do anything but sit at the bar and wait for them to finish. (guess who won? Yup that would be me, 70 buckeroos) ok so I did have to split it but still, money is money. Tuesday afternoon we had free time to do what we wanted, Golf, boating, messages, horseback riding whatever, and that was to be paid by us, but that morning they announced that the company would be picking up everyone�s tab (half the people ran to call the message therapist) I myself enjoyed a Golf Lesson (yes I do remember that I worked for a country club for 5 years) I heard we spent $2000 with the beverage cart girl. The last night we were there, we were given a challenge by the CFO to see what Region partied the hardest (the two other regions have their meetings over the next two weeks) Well, we partied up alright, as I was dancing I thought about blogging (but I was a bit too buzzed) wanting to say how I was in straight hell, (no offense of course) but really it wasn�t so much hell at all and I was having a blast. For those of you who don�t know, I have a hard time letting go of the �Human Resources� role when I am at work, and for me to drink and dance as I did was really out of the ordinary for me (only at work of course people.) Anyway the band wanted to stop playing and the CFO kept slipping them $100 bills to continue. Needles to say we all were a bit rough the next morning, but luckily it was half a day! Gotta love working from the house, took me a big ole nappiepoo!

3 You got sumpin to say??

Confrontation//Disco Bus