
joan - 2003-01-23 17:28:55
bitch, 20 degrees is COLD, what-choo-talkin bout?? i am freezing my petunias off down here, in 40 degrees. i hope you are enjoying the hospitality of my fair state. :) take care of yourself, JP
Brandi - 2003-01-23 21:48:04
Yes, 20 degrees IS should be in the ATL where it's 10 degrees right now. It's miserable. People that live in places that are cold like this 3 months of the year are CRAZY. Crazy as hell, I tell you!!
Rodney - 2003-01-24 10:45:39
I could tell from the 1800COLLECT commercials that his arms look huge. Does this make me pitiful that I am checking out Carrot Tops arms on a commercial?? Well anyway, your encounter sounds cool!!!
walt - 2003-01-25 13:32:12
hey, i finally got off my ass and linked you. :)

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