
Brandi - 2002-12-10 14:12:24
Congratulations, hon!!!
ca - 2002-12-10 14:14:00
CONGRATS girlie.....I so happy for ya! You'll do great.
Christine - 2002-12-10 14:16:36
Congratulations Kim!!
reeny - 2002-12-10 14:23:21
good for you ! you will do very well.
Rodney - 2002-12-10 15:35:52
YEAAA! You Go Girl!
Danyel - 2002-12-10 15:45:57
Congratulations! You deserve it.
Jen - 2002-12-10 15:53:51
Congratulations Kimi!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!
Peter - 2002-12-10 16:14:05
Congratulations!!! We need to throw you a party! Cannot wait to hear about it.
Scott - 2002-12-10 16:28:52
ALRIGHT GIRL!!! So where are you taking all of us to PARTY??...Ha!Ha! I'm really happy for you, you deserve it!!
Doug - 2002-12-10 18:54:59
Alright!!! When is Miss Money Bags taken us for drinkie boos? You deserve everything that has come to you!!!
linda & Shelly - 2002-12-10 19:41:08
Girl!!! Well come on down. What part of Fla will you be in? Yeah!!!!!!!!!

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