
Brandi - 2002-09-17 19:47:17
Ewww...I like a girl in an orange apron. Can you wear the apron for me??
douglas - 2002-09-17 20:27:37
kim- you know i spend ALL my free time at home depot!!! could i git a "family" discount??? and ain't it yarhmulka. . .i had one on all day yesterday, and was hungry as hey-yull!!! (damn interfaith unions!!!) kimi gotz a hard hat. . .kimi gotz a beeping orange cart/forklift thingy. . .kimi gotz her groove back!!!
ca - 2002-09-18 08:23:04
Goodluck on your interview today.
Qtr. Asian - 2002-09-18 11:10:46
Don't stop git it git it!!!!
Peter - 2002-09-18 15:04:02
Kimi, I hope the interview went well. My friend Cindy (Dave/Cindy own the Lakehouse)is very high up in HD and I would be more than happy to call her. She heads up the corporate development program. She is one of 20 on Nardali's fast track executives...she's the shit.
Lil Kim - 2002-09-18 15:06:25
Well what in the world are you waiting for. The interview went well and I have moved on to the next step, HOWEVER, the pay seems to be an issue, so yes go tell your friend to pay me the big bucks
laura - 2002-09-19 10:25:48
sounds like it went well - now you have a tough decision to make. Money vs. happiness.....I say go with your heart....everything else will work out.
SHAW - 2002-09-20 14:30:51
Girl and let me tell you money is not the root to all happiness.........I learned that the hard way as you all probably know the long ..............hours at the COWPALACE! follow your heart and make yourself happy sista!

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