
Jen - 2002-08-01 11:17:20
What makes those meatballs Swedish anyway? Qtr. Asians don't really frequent the kitchen that much. Happy Birthday Peter!!!
Pete Jaccarino - 2002-08-01 14:52:08
Thanks Jen for the BD wish! Hey Kimi, thanks for being there to celebrate my BD...I had lots of fun being with people that I love so much. Getting up at 6:00am for a flight to Chicago was not too fun...but I am on my way home. I loved the Swedish meatballs!
douglas - 2002-08-01 18:44:55
bitch! chicken con-friggin'-fetti??? honnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-eee, what happened to that franks and beans velveta up-side-down bake yo ass used to roll up to grandma's wit? you know. . .da one with da smashed frito-lay product up on it!!! she so fancy nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww! uhm.

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