
Brand EYE - 2002-07-17 15:42:01
Good blog, DeSarno. Predestination....what a touchy topic...but I liked listening to you ramble on and on. =o) And the movie sounds like a good one.
Brand EYE - 2002-07-17 15:45:48
Oh....and that last paragraph sounds a lot like Sliding Doors...change a decision...change your path...change your path and your entire life changes.
laura - 2002-07-18 14:01:27
I loved that Movie - pretty impressive how he stayed focused despite his surroundings.
Danyel - 2002-07-18 16:18:47
You know, I've wondered about all of this myself. I know a door has closed for me recently. I keep thinking that there is a plan for me, but that I still haven't learned the lesson I need to learn in order to move on. The problem is that I don't know how to find that lesson and learn it - FAST! When I get really down, I must say that I look at it from the other perspective. I look back and think I made a wrong decision that has lead me to a dead end. I try my best to believe the first scenario.

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